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Research Process


Why we decided on Ad Tracker




Step One​


First, we reviewed current articles, research reports, news stories, consumer complaints, and legal documents. Doing so gave us a better understanding of the project and its significance. Furthermore we discovered two prominent issues: most users are ignorant to the fact that ad preference settings exist and those who know about Facebook ads are not comfortable with targeted advertising. Moving forward we decided it best to conduct primary research to further explore these issues and gain key insights into the situation, which would result in advancing our mission and goals.






Step Two


Our research started with a survey, which aimed to discover who our end user was for the project, as well as give us a broad understanding of who they are and their awareness of the Facebook ad preference settings.






Step Three


After our survey had been conducted and the results were analyzed, we moved onto conducting interviews.The goal of the interviews was to obtain detailed information about personal feelings, perceptions, and opinions about Facebook ad preference settings and privacy, and hear how Facebook could improve interaction with the ad preference settings.






Step Four


Once the interviews had been completed, we moved on to think aloud-testing. The objective was to see how long it took users to find their ad preference settings as well hear their thoughts about their ad preference settings page as the scrolled through it.






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