Ad Trackers
Final Planning
Team Roles
Going forward, we decided to split our work into three groups: the Product Team, the Video Team, and the Presentation Team. Russell, Deepika, and Samantha will be on the Product Team. Evan and Megan will be on the Video team. Everybody will be on the Presentation Team. We decided to split our teams according to our background and experience. Because Russell, Deepika and Samantha have worked with coding and web development before, they will focus on building the product. They will collaborate using GitHub. Because Evan and Megan have advertising experience, they will focus on creating the product demo and promo videos. They will collaborate using or Premiere Pro. All team members will work to discuss and solve any problems that arise, discuss progress, generate new ideas, and review other team members’ work.
Detailed Video Plan
Megan and Evan will be the group members that edit the product promo and demo videos. Because Evan and Megan can not work in person together on the video due to COVID-19, they will use their own computers to edit the video. Along with this, the two members plan on communicating through Zoom or Groupme to discuss any problems and resolve any issues that come up while editing. They plan on using or Premier Pro when editing the video. They are considering using because it allows you to create video projects, add collaborators to them, and drag and drop files from their computers to share with each other within the dashboard. Premier Pro is being considered because both have video editing experience with Premiere Pro, which it might be easier for them to collaborate and video edit on a platform they are more comfortable using.
Megan and Evan will begin the video making process on March 30th. Along with this, the pair plan on having the videos finished by April 27th. The video plan consists of 8 parts. First, the pair will determine the videos' editing tool (Premiere Pro or Second, they will split the video making process into three parts. Third, they will determine each videos storyboard. Fourth, they will start and finish part 1 of the video making process. Fifth, they will move onto part 2 of the video making process and start and complete it. Sixth, they will start and finish part 3 of the video making process after part 2 has been completed. Seventh, they will finalize the videos with any necessary touch ups. Eighth, they will post the video. The plan is to display the product promo and demo videos on the homepage of our website.
The footage will seen in the videos will be that screen recordings of the product as well as created images, text, and background.
Video Team Timeline

Product Team Timeline

Presentation Team Timeline